
Hugh's 15 points for squash

 Hugh's basic concept and mind set for squash

15 concepts to keep in mind during match play

- Good length keeps you in the game but its good width that wins the points.

-Aim higher on the front wall to get better length on the shot.  Generally aim for the service line for straight drives and cross courts. Hitting the ball higher on the front wall saves you energy.   

-Cross courts must be wide enough to pass the opponent’s volley. Once an opponent has been turned by your wide cross, a defensive shot usually follows.

-Boasts must be wide too!

-Hit softer and run faster! This ensures you always get back to the T with time to spare.

-Stay balanced. Balance gives you more accuracy on your shot.

-Watch the ball at the time.

-Observe->process the information-> decide how to approach this shot-> then start running. If you process information faster, it will save you a lot of running and frustration.

- Be decisive! Should I attack on this shot or defend on this shot? So many players make errors due to indecision.

-Stop hitting the ball so low and hard all the time. Play each shot on its merits.

-Play what you have practised. Do not play a shot you have never practised.

-Have a game plan. Just as you would take simple brief notes with you when making a public speech, you should also have a simple game plan going into a game. This helps you relax. Your objective is to keep to your pre-determined game plan not to beat your opponent.

-Always think in terms of court positioning. The player who acquired good court positioning wins the match easily.

-Create doubt in the opponent. But do not attempt this if you are indecisive yourself.

-Most importantly relax and do not think about the result!  This is so you are in “the zone”. Psychology is the difference between winning and losing game ball. Keep your brain in the relaxed state of mind.

This is my personal concept that I stick to when I play squash. Simple tactics often work the best,   especially when you are under pressure or when the game is a very close game. Close games are often decided by psychology rather than any technicality or physical attributes.

Try it and enjoy your squash.

Copyright © [15/09/2011 by Hugh Kuo]

